1 Peter 4:10

" As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God's many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favour]."

In the last church I attended, our Pastor would encourage us that we were blessed to be a blessing. In the bible, God promises to bless those who bless the Jewish people and curse those who curse them (Genesis 12:3). This is one way we can be a blessing.

In Galatians 6:7-8, God is telling us that what we sow we will reap. I know in the past I have often taken for granted the little things God has given me . These days as I get older I look forward to every new day and what the Lord will do in my life. Life is so rich and full of exciting enjoyment when you are a lover of Jesus who is the lover of our souls.

I have a beautiful yellow canary who sings his little heart out to me each day. He is a blessing. There is such beauty in nature, our Father created all things for our pleasure. My little cyclamen plant is ready to burst forth with brilliantly coloured fuschsia flowers.

I am able to bless a very dear friend who has a small farm out of town, by house sitting and taking care of the dogs and horses. One of her horses is a bit flighty and as I walk down to the paddock I start talking to him. I tell him that "he is an amazing majestic creature, but God gave me authority over all the animals and one day I will come back with Jesus riding a white horse." By the time I get to him he lets me pat him and I'm not afraid anymore. I so enjoy sitting out on the verandah looking at the countryside thinking about Abba Father, His goodness and all the blessings I've been given.

Recently I read: "Be prepared to be blessed bountifully by My Presence, for I am a God of unlimited abundance. Open wide your heart and mind to receive more and more of Me. When your Joy in Me meets My Joy in you, there are fireworks of heavenly ecstasy."